Hiding in Plain Sight

"I know so many people who think they can make it alone. They isolate their heads, and stay in their safety zone..." - Brian Wilson I made it to the mat today. It was sooo hard, at first, every little baby asana felt like a struggle. About halfway through the practice, I started to feel good, warm and stronger. It's a recent lesson of mine to take my initial "I can't do this" feeling less seriously. By the end, I was looser than I've been in some weeks. This Yoga with Adriene 30 Day Challenge feels like it could be doable. Pat and I went out to There, a local gastropub, for a burger and beer. It was empty, and fun to sit and hang out and sip an ipa, and nosh on a perfectly cooked, very small burger. I haven't been out with my husband in months, it seems. I want more of that... I woke in the night with another anxiety attack. I pulled up Jay Chodagam's "declutter your head and free your mind" anxiety vlog, and listened to it, til I f...