
Showing posts from August, 2024

no one's treading on you, sweetie, but you're weird

 An effort to capture the zeitgeist of the times, and awaken the writing habit, after a long hiatus.  I have been blogging since the year 2000. It's true. LiveJournal to DiaryLand to Diary-x to Blogger, and a dozen Leuchtturm 1917 notebooks in between. I haven't considered blogging recently, but a reread of some entries struck me. I can write, and I like words. So I resurrect a blog, one of 3 I still own. This one is a bit more private than the others, and I'm okay with that. I'm trying to decide how much of me I want to release to the world, at this juncture in my life. Funny, that, when I never had a problem, blabbing my business to anyone who'd slow down and listen, but here we are. Perhaps I'm in my quiet era, but quiet has never been my strong suite.  This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine...let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.